Conference in a panadería

W hat a week!!! We had about 50 bajillion meetings this week which totally hyped us up for the Work but also meant a lottt of time in a van woop woop. Flashbacks to choir tour 2k19 Started out with zone council where we learned how to be bold missionaries. We made a goal to talk about baptism every single visit we had with people, even the first contact on the street and it worked some miracles. After p-day we did a huge blitz in one area and found soo many people who were ready for the gospel!! Thursday we made the loooong trek to treinta y tres for zone conf. We got picked up at 4am and didn't make it to the church until 9. We had a smalll but actually really big conference miracle. We had plans to have a lesson with a mom of some youth in our ward who isn't a member. Her stepson, Samael, has a baptism date for the end of April. Well we get to her house and looked at our phone and she said actually never mind, I'm too tired today hahaha rip. Then, not two minutes later ...