Miracles on Miracles

T his week we had quite the adventure! To start off me and Hermana Hanson went to Colombia for exchanges on Wednesday and Thursday. It was so fun to see another area and learn from the sisters there, she gave us so many good ideas. On Thursday (might have been Wednesday honestly can't remember) was Mexican Independence day, we were fed looooots of tacos that day, pretty much best day ever. We had two awesome miracles this week. The first one was a family we met at English class. About 20 minutes into our class my comp had the impression to go check the parking lot to see if anyone else was coming. Well turns out there was this family of 10 in one big ol' van who was waiting because they didn't know how to get in the building. I'm just there teaching the alphabet in English and in waltzes this family and they were the sweetest EVER. I got to talk to them and turns out they had moved from Nicaragua 8 days ago. Literally 8 days. We ended up talking about the gospel...