
This week was sooo awesome!! To start we got to have a mission-wide conference with Elder Godoy. He dropped some fire knowledge and just brought the spirit so strongly. It was super cool to be with the whole mission together ahhh good day. This week we saw miracle after miracle. We have a friend named Lorena whose daughter is a member. She's been investigating the church for 3 years now. We've had a few video calls with her, but multiple people in the ward reached out to us telling us that there was pretty much no hope with her #ouch. Well, Lorena came to church for the first time in 6 months today. I think the members were more shocked than us haha. She was so sweet and asked us such sincere questions afterward. Another miracle came when we were walking back after a lunch appointment and it started POURING, like not raining, pouring. Randomly, we saw some members in their apartment who were having a bday party and they invited us in and offered to give us a r...