La Vida - Missionary Style

Since i probably won't write a letter muahaha I decided I'd write you guys one since I don't think I've ever done that 

My week was good. My comp is good she's super fun. She definitely likes to work a little ~slower~ which is an adjustment but it's alright. 

Had a zone conference with our new president and his 6 kids, his youngest is 3! Haha it was funny they introduced themselves and the 3 yr old was up there screaming the whole time lol. His oldest is 15, I think. His wife speaks pretty good Spanish, she studied it in college, although never served a mission. They lived in China for a few years, because when you're super rich you can do that kind of thing. So, they all speak fluent Chinese so that's kind of weird. 

But ya he's cool.  He goes "ya when I got here, I thought president Escobar was going to talk to me about the rules and the standards, but he just gave me like 50 hugs" 

It was SO funny because that's very typical president Escobar haha. He'd always say, "we are not writing down rules, you guys can listen to my counsel and govern yourselves" and he also loved hugs hahah 

It will definitely be a different vibe but it'll be good
3rd mission president for the win 

This week I have a talk in sacrament. My topic was "families." 
Well, I started wiring a talk about how great my family was and blah blah, but ya know it just didn't feel right for this ward. So instead, I wrote it about our family in God. Our heavenly family. So, the fact that we're all brothers and sisters. I talked about an experience I had in South Carolina, with a sister who was reactived because of a really good ministering sister, and we ended up baptizing her daughter. And ya I think it was pretty good. Talked about Lehi and his family. 

I think it was more meaningful especially to this ward, because almost everyone comes alone without their family. We counted this week and there's only 3 families that everyone is a member and active which is crazy. We are so lucky in Utah! Lol.

Although our earthly families are very very important, I think understanding that one of the greatest titles we will ever hold is that we are sons and daughters of God is equally as important. 

Remember the cute kids that come to church all alone? A good sister gifted the 6-year-old a suit to wear to church hahaha. It was sooo cute. So cute. We went to their house, and he was so excited to show me. 

There's a really good talk by Neil Anderson that's called "Those who Receiveth them receiveth me" or something like that, very fitting for the circumstances down here in south América, the hood. 

This week we also had our weekly ward activity that is strictly ping pong, no spiritual stuff. It's fun. But the elders quorum president was talking to us and was just sad that no one had been coming for a while, and as he said 'I even made torta Fritas and not a lot of people came' and then I gave him some wise advice "Sergio you need to put that there will be food ON the invitation, then people will come" well this week he did just that and we had 25+ people. It was so fun, and he thanked me after for the wise advice. 

Anyways that's my week. 
Lots of milinases and bizcochos 

Peace out


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