Home MTC


I am just finishing up my 6 weeks in the home mtc. It’s been quite the adventure! 

I lucked out with the best companion and funniest district ever. I am so grateful that I got to spend these 6 weeks with them. Two other missionaries are going to my exact same mission so hopefully we will get to meet there!

For those that didn't hear, I got reassigned to the Colombia, South Carolina mission. If you talked to me before I got reassigned, I probably told you that I just wanted to go anywhere in the south. I’m not sure why, because I’ve never actually been to the south but i feel like I'm gonna love it. I don’t really know anything about South Carolina other than its “very hot” and “very humid” so wish me luck. I have absolutely no idea when Uruguay will open up so for the time being I’m just going to enjoy being there!

Home mtc was filled with lots of family and friend time. One of the biggest blessings was having my 3 best friends in the mtc the same time as me. We kept each other sane, and you probably saw us biking around Holladay in Madeline's fleet of beach cruisers. 

Pro tip: convince your parents to let you come to Newport Beach the day before they leave. Probably the best week of home mtc by far. 

Although I’m way done with zoom I really am going to miss my teachers and district. They were seriously the best ever. I’m so grateful I got to learn some Spanish and that my testimony has grown throughout these weeks. I’m so ready to go to the field!!


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