Baptism and a great week

 This week was exhausting!! But in the best way possible haha. 

We definitely had some interesting stuff happen. To start off, some lady messaged us and asked if we could do some service for her. We were like sure thing. When we came over, her kids were all playing outside, and she asked us to go make their beds lol. Keep in mind her kids were like 12. Then she asked me to cut cheese for her charcuterie board. So there we were, making beds and cutting gouda for 2 hours.  (quite a large charcuterie board)
When we asked if we could share a scripture with her before we left, she promptly said "nope." 

One cool experience this week was teaching a part member family, the Druins. Although the wife isn't a member, she faithfully comes to church every week with her husband. We taught them a powerful lesson about the Book of Mormon and showed a part of Elder Hollands talk, safety for the soul. The spirit was so strong. She promised us she would continue to read the BOM and pray about it when she finishes it. 

On Thursday night, we got a text from our friend Kayla asking if she could be baptized this week instead of next. She's been ready since the end of September, but was quarantined, then was out of town.  we had scheduled a date for next week, but she called us Thursday and was like, well I'm going to have my kids this weekend and I really want them to be there. We were like yes mam haha so we called the bish and he was like yep let's do it. It all fell into place pretty easily; it was definitely meant to be. 

So, we had about one day to plan the baptism. But we also had exchanges from Friday morning to Saturday morning. I stayed here, while sister Marcheschi went to a different city. So, it turned out that I alone had one day to plan a baptism lol. #stress 

Gratefully, the baptism ended up so beautiful. Kayla's two kids and husband were there, and the spirit that was felt was indescribable. She was originally a member referral, (members who are recent converts themselves) so we had those members speak and that spirit was so special. 

Our members really pulled through and so many people came out to support Kayla. She is coming into the most welcoming ward. 

Her husband and kids came with her to church the next day and the priesthood lesson was them consecrating oil. I was slightly scared he would be like what the heck is happening haha. But surprisingly he really enjoyed it. 

We are really focusing on the recent converts right now and helping them progress towards the temple.  Carlos is going to pass the sacrament next week. If you ever want to be entertained, try listening to two 20 yr old girls explain to a guy how to pass the sacrament, cuz we had absolutely no idea. "Ya I think you just take the tray and go down an aisle of your choice."

Apparently, that's not how it's done.

My testimony this week is of the book of Mormon. As I've been out here, I've come to realize over and over again just how needed this book is. I know it was translated through divine help by Joseph smith, a prophet of God. It contains so much love and has words that the world needs to hear!! 

Overall, such a good week!! So good, that I feel like something bad is going to happen next week... hahaha 

Have a blessed week!!


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