
After a week in Charleston I'm now in inman!! A solid 10 minutes away from my last area. Long live Boiling Springs. I'm even in the same ward building haha so it's been fun. 

Although I'm in roughly the same exact area, I feel like I've stepped into a completely different mission. Spanish work is just sooo different from English work. Like crazy different haha. There's a lot more slamming doors and "I'm not interested in 'John Smith', I'm going to stick to being Baptist" 

People have some interesting names for Joseph Smith down here. Some include: John Smith, Jehovah Smith, and even Jesus Smith. 

One of our friends, Bessie who's been taught for quite some time finally came to church this week and we were SO happy. When we called her and asked how she liked it, she responded with (in a full southern accent) "that was the most boring church I ever been to, everyone was so serious and quiet, where's all the halleluiahs and praise music??!!" 

She wasn't exactly fond of our explanation that we like church to be reverent so we can feel the spirit. 

Our homeboy Rogelio has a baptism this Saturday which is going to be very nice. He absolutely loves the gospel and coming to church. He's struggled for quite some time with the Word of Wisdom, but over the last month or so, has been completely clean and is ready to be baptized. He is going to make the best member!

Our other friend Kayla has a baptism the following week. She is really the sweetest thing ever. Her husband at first was not interested at all but has recently been texting us questions about the book of Mormon, so hopefully we can start teaching him soon!!! 

The first thing my dad told me when he found out I was going to South Carolina was that I would be eating roadkill. Well, this week I ate some frog legs which I'm pretty sure qualifies as roadkill. But even worse than the frog legs was the heaping pile of gritz I got fed. If you know me, you know I have a horrible gag reflex. If you haven't had gritz before, imagine rice, cream of wheat, oatmeal, and jello all mixed together. Then take away all the flavor. And there you have gritz. 

I've also started driving and have already got my first aggressive driving for going over a speed bump "too aggressively". Are we surprised? No. At this rate I'll get my driving privileges taken away in two weeks lol. 

This week was definitely a little rougher as I transitioned from Spanish to English. I had never been downright rejected before, but now it happens everyday! Haha we love life. It's ok though, the work goes on!!

Life is good, and the members here are the best ever. Everyone is so welcoming, and it already feels like family. We just got a new bishopric and the whole ward is so helpful in our missionary efforts, which makes the biggest difference. Thank u all for the sweet birthday notes and messages, I feel so grateful for the best family and friends! :))

I've been listening to a lot of conference talks this week and one I've loved is elder Christofferson's most recent one. He says "we need not hesitate to call upon God, even when we feel unworthy." The best part is that we are always worthy of God's love, no matter how inadequate we feel. And that will never change. 

Not related at all, but a fire chapter in the book of Mormon is Alma 49. We use it a lot out here to help people with personal struggles and addictions. Go give it a read!!! 

Have a blessed week!! 


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