Faith precedes the miracle


Another week in da South América. We had a pretty awesome week, I still don't understand much hahah but I just smile, nod, and say si a lot. It seems to work. 

We had a rather interesting lesson with someone named Sylvia this week. It started out super good, she loved the book of Mormon. Then she started telling us she loved Israel, then with no explanation she just started absolutely blaring Israeli music in her apartamento and dancing and the next thing I know she grabs our hands, and we are doing some sort of Israeli circle dance in her apartment. HAH I was laughing so hard I could barely dance. 
On Saturday we texted Sylvia inviting her to church, and she responded telling us, she had prayed, and God had actually wanted her to go to the beach that day. fair nuff 

In other news, I tried matte for the first time! If you have no idea what this is, neither did I. imagine boiled water and then throw some lawn mower shredding and bark in there. I have no idea what the appeal is, but no one here leaves their house without their matte cup. 

Church this week was really special. We had a family show up last week, simply because they typed in church in google maps and ours showed up! (google maps for the win part 2). Well, we had a lesson with them this week and then they came again to church!! The ward hasn´t had missionaries in a really long time, so they were sooo excited to have investigators there. The members were talking to them for a whole 2 hours after church ahaha.

I´ve been trying to study a new Christlike attribute every week, and this week I studied faith. I've never really studied faith super in depth, so it was super interesting for me. I`ve come to realize how important faith is in every aspect of our lives. it's kind of like the gas in a car. We can have everything else, but nothing will move forward if we don´t have faith. Maybe that's not a good analogy but you get it haha. In every miracle Christ performed in the New Testament, he first comments on their faith. He tells them that it is by their faith that they are healed. Faith precedes miracles. If we want to see miracles in our lives, we first need to have the faith that they will come! Easier said than done haha. I`ve been trying to apply this in missionary life by having more faith in the people we teach. Sometimes I tend to doubt that they`ll come to church or show up to a lesson, but by adjusting my attitude and trying to increase my faith it makes missionary work a whole lot funner!

That´s my week for yall!! Have a good one!! 


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