Snow in South Carolina

This has been quite the adventurous week...On Friday I accidentally high centered our malibu. I was trying to turn around and this massive tree root came out of nowhere and just lodged itself in the middle of our car haha. Every time, I pressed the gas it just dug us deeper and deeper. 

Right as I started dialing a member's phone number, this random guy literally just appeared out of the abyss. We were on a super abandoned, most-trailer-houses-were-condemned type of road. And this guy just walks right up. Without hesitation, his brother just pulls up in an SUV with a chain. They hooked us up, and within less than 10 minutes from when we got stuck, we were outta there.  They didn't really say much, it kinda seemed like they had done it before. 

All week people have been talking about the looming storm. Everyone had a multitude of opinions surrounding whether or whether not it was going to happen. We were told we must go to Walmart and buy food just in case we were stuck in our apartment for a week, so we went, and the shelves were just ransacked. People were running around like it was the apocalypse or something haha. They only had 0% milk left, which tastes like water with white food coloring in it, if you were wondering. 

Thenn the best part. IT SNOWED. And not just a little, like 8 inches. It also rained ice for an entire day, that was not as fun. We aren't allowed to drive in the snow so we've pretty much been stuck in our apartment the last two days which is kinda rough. But we've had lots of time to study the scriptures haha!!

As I was re reading Lehi's vision of the tree of life, I started marking the contrast between light and dark. It was super interesting and helped me understand his dream so much more. Christ is the light; the love of God is light. They always have been and that will never change! We never have to guess who is going to end up victorious, we already know. The hard part is holding onto the iron rod. 

One apostle wrote that the iron rod "runs unfailingly along the course of the true path. However dark the night, or day, the rod marks the way of that solitary redeeming trail". We've asked our investigators to pinpoint their "great and spacious building" and their "rod", it's been super cool to see their responses and has definitely helped me have a greater appreciation for these chapters in the BOM. Go give 'em a read if you haven't a while!! 

Thats all folks!!! Have a blessed week:


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