Google Maps for the win

Woohooo!!! Tony was baptized yesterday!!!  Honestly one of the best days on my mission so far. His wife, Kayla was baptized about 3 months ago and after that we've been working with Tony pretty consistently. He honestly already felt part of the ward since he's been coming for so long haha. 

The best part of the baptism was that his next door neighbor who introduced him to the church was able to baptize him. He's honestly a pretty shy guy and will hardly say prayers in front of people. He joined the church about 3 years ago himself and so this was his first time baptizing someone. It was the sweetest thing ever!!! 

Miracle from this week was that some random lady decided to come to church haha. Her name is Felecia and she just moved into the area and typed in "holiness church" into Google maps and it brought her here. She was like "you guys are holiness right?" And I was like "yaaa we can be holiness haha" 

She had a great time until it got to Sunday school, and we started talking about the book of Moses. She was like "now where's this in the bible."  I think she ended up having a good time though!!  Google maps really did the most this week. 

Last week in Bible class we talked all about faith. It is really awesome to read the about the miracles Jesus performed and think about the faith people had to follow him, find him, and just know he would be able to heal him. The elders asked a super interesting question to the class that I've been pondering all week: "What would you do if you had more faith?"

Apparently, the guy next to me was really thinking hard about this because he wrote down, "I would fly".  Haahah but for reals, I think it's a super interesting question that has definitely made me reflect on my own faith and how to increase it! 

Also, there's a super good talk by President Nelson, called "Christ is Risen; Faith in Him will move Mountains" 

Anyway, that's all for this week!! 
-sister maxfield 


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