Welcome to Uruguay

 if you couldn't tell from the title,,,,,,i made it to Uruguay. 

About a week ago, my little town in South Carolina was snowed in and every store was closed. I was supposed to get a few covid tests but ended up only being able to get one because of the snow. We just kinda had to hope it came back in time, and somehow it did! I honestly did not think it would, so I was pretty much ready to stay in South Carolina for another transfer. but here we are hahah!!  Right after the results came back, I had to scoot to Columbia so I could get to the plane on time. kind of a roller coaster this past week hahh!

After like 72 hours of flying, and way too much time in the Panama airport, we made it!! About a month ago, our mission only had abuot 45 missionaries, but now missionaries are arriving almost every 2 weeks, which means we have transfers every 2 weeks haha. My comp is Hermana Serre and she´s been here for about a month. We are opening up an area with the office elders, and it's a suburb of Montevideo, called Malvin. it is SO beautiful and there are so many colorful houses and flowers and I just love it. Except it's kinda dangerous, and we aren't allowed to take our phone out of our apartment because apparently someone will snatch it up haaha. so we can only carry un Libro de Mormon and just hope we know where we´re going.  

Yesterday, we had to get on a bus, and we ended up going like 40 minutes outside our area...hahah woopsies. in my defense, I was distracted by the chicken also on the bus. 

Our ward is SO sweet and are so excited to finally have missionaries. church was definitely the highlight of my week!

Sorry for the haphazard email haha, it's like 400 degrees in this church and this Spanish keyboard is confusing hhaa.

hope everyone has a stellar week!!!!

- Hermana Maxfield 


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