Baptism and Santorini Greece


This week I got super sick and lost my voice! Yay! Haha! I was legit whispering in all our lesson Thursday and Friday haha. It was quite the adventure. It's gotten better, but now I just sound like a man lol

In good news, Jazmin was baptized!! Oh, the best day ever. She bore her testimony the next day at church, and it was just the purest thing ever. Both her parents, who aren't members came and her mom told us they're going to get married!! So that they can get baptized too!! And she wants us to plan it!! Hahaha, good thing planning parties is kind of my specialty.
We also planned a super special Sunday school lesson for the youth talking all about missions and then the bishopric made them all their own little tags, haha it was so sweet!  

Have a good week everyone!! Keep praying and reading your scrips!! 


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