Mission Conference and Cyclone

I know everyone was wondering if I survived the cyclone, I did. Our window did not. We now have a large hole in our window thanks to a flying branch! Woohoo! 

We called a repairman and all they did was taped plastic around it and said "we'll come back later" 6 days later, and we still gotta plastic window. 

This week was supper awesome. We had a conference in Melo, which the most northern part of our mission, bordering Brazil. Cool news, I got to go to Brazil. Bad news, I spent 12 hours in a van. Our mission rents out big vans for the missionaries so we don't take public transportation, which is nice. But it's still 12 hours in a van. On the way back, the road was closed, so our driver had to take a detour. It was dark so I couldn't quite see what we were driving on, but I'm positive it was not pavement haha. The van was just bouncing up and down and rocks were just flying into the window haha it was a ride for sure. Good thing I got to sharpen my skum skills!!! 

When we finally got to the hotel Thursday night, president and sister Escobar were there waiting for us with cake!¡ haha I love them!! 

This conference was our last one with president Escobar, which was so sad! He's truly one of the best disciples of Christ I've ever met. I've learned so much from their example. He talked a lot about the power of the book of Mormon and the spirit in our missionary work - two very important things!! 

We've been super busy here in San Carlos and I! Love! It! I hope I never leave hahah

That's all for this week!!! Have a blessed one!!!  

This week for pics ya get some sunrises. 


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