
Showing posts from October, 2021

Baptism and a great week

  This week was exhausting!! But in the best way possible haha.  We definitely had some interesting stuff happen. To start off, some lady messaged us and asked if we could do some service for her. We were like sure thing. When we came over, her kids were all playing outside, and she asked us to go make their beds lol. Keep in mind her kids were like 12. Then she asked me to cut cheese for her charcuterie board. So there we were, making beds and cutting gouda for 2 hours.  (quite a large charcuterie board)   When we asked if we could share a scripture with her before we left, she promptly said "nope."  One cool experience this week was teaching a part member family, the Druins. Although the wife isn't a member, she faithfully comes to church every week with her husband. We taught them a powerful lesson about the Book of Mormon and showed a part of Elder Hollands talk, safety for the soul. The spirit was so strong. She promised us she would continue to r...


This week was the best by far!! I think I say this every week, but I mean it this time hahah!   To start off, our friend Rogelio was baptized. I will never forget the spirit and peace I felt as he made that covenant to God. Life has put him through the ringer and back, but through the atonement he has come out victorious. It's amazing to witness the change in his life after he turned to Christ.  About 4 months ago some elders felt prompted to go talk to him at a park. Out of many people, the spirit told them to go talk to him specifically. After teaching him the first lesson and finding out he was actually in our area they passed him off to Inman. And 4 months later here he is, baptized and such a strong member! I feel extremely grateful to be a part of the Inman ward. They already feel like family. So many of them came to the baptism to support and demonstrate such friendship and kindness to him at church each week. Ahhh it just makes me so happy. These members...


After a week in Charleston I'm now in inman!! A solid 10 minutes away from my last area. Long live Boiling Springs. I'm even in the same ward building haha so it's been fun.  Although I'm in roughly the same exact area, I feel like I've stepped into a completely different mission. Spanish work is just sooo different from English work. Like crazy different haha. There's a lot more slamming doors and "I'm not interested in 'John Smith', I'm going to stick to being Baptist"  People have some interesting names for Joseph Smith down here. Some include: John Smith, Jehovah Smith, and even Jesus Smith.  One of our friends, Bessie who's been taught for quite some time finally came to church this week and we were SO happy. When we called her and asked how she liked it, she responded with (in a full southern accent) "that was the most boring church I ever been to, everyone was so serious and quiet, where's all the halleluiahs and pra...

Transferred, then transferred again

T his week probably goes down as the busiest week yet!  Starting with last week. The best thing that happened was that we found a golden 11-person family! It was epic. We knocked on their door and the mom is a member, but her kids and husband are not. Immediately when we came over she was like "oh my, my brother and his family are interested let's go over rn" and we were like hype ok. So, we walked over (all Hispanincs here live within like 2 minutes of their entire extended family, it's the best) and we taught her brother and his family plus her husband and kids in one big lesson! They just loved it. The next day they came to our ward party and church on Sunday!!! Best! Day! Ever!!  The other awesome thing to happen is that Esteban is on date for Oct 10!! He's so ready and a very funny man, so his baptism is going to be way awesome.  Then the crazy part happened: We had transfers last Thursday. And Wednesday afternoon President called me and the three other reass...

The Great Apostasy Movie