Baptism and a great week
This week was exhausting!! But in the best way possible haha. We definitely had some interesting stuff happen. To start off, some lady messaged us and asked if we could do some service for her. We were like sure thing. When we came over, her kids were all playing outside, and she asked us to go make their beds lol. Keep in mind her kids were like 12. Then she asked me to cut cheese for her charcuterie board. So there we were, making beds and cutting gouda for 2 hours. (quite a large charcuterie board) When we asked if we could share a scripture with her before we left, she promptly said "nope." One cool experience this week was teaching a part member family, the Druins. Although the wife isn't a member, she faithfully comes to church every week with her husband. We taught them a powerful lesson about the Book of Mormon and showed a part of Elder Hollands talk, safety for the soul. The spirit was so strong. She promised us she would continue to r...