Faith precedes the miracle
HoLa Another week in da South América. We had a pretty awesome week, I still don't understand much hahah but I just smile, nod, and say si a lot. It seems to work. We had a rather interesting lesson with someone named Sylvia this week. It started out super good, she loved the book of Mormon. Then she started telling us she loved Israel, then with no explanation she just started absolutely blaring Israeli music in her apartamento and dancing and the next thing I know she grabs our hands, and we are doing some sort of Israeli circle dance in her apartment. HAH I was laughing so hard I could barely dance. On Saturday we texted Sylvia inviting her to church, and she responded telling us, she had prayed, and God had actually wanted her to go to the beach that day. fair nuff In other news, I tried matte for the first time! If you have no idea what this is, neither did I. imagine boiled water and then throw some lawn mower shredding...