
Showing posts from January, 2022

Faith precedes the miracle

  HoLa Another week in da South América. We had a pretty awesome week, I still don't understand much hahah but I just smile, nod, and say si a lot. It seems to work.  We had a rather interesting lesson with someone named Sylvia this week. It started out super good, she loved the book of Mormon. Then she started telling us she loved Israel, then with no explanation she just started absolutely blaring Israeli music in her apartamento and dancing and the next thing I know she grabs our hands, and we are doing some sort of Israeli circle dance in her apartment. HAH I was laughing so hard I could barely dance.  On Saturday we texted Sylvia inviting her to church, and she responded telling us, she had prayed, and God had actually wanted her to go to the beach that day. fair nuff  In other news, I tried matte for the first time! If you have no idea what this is, neither did I. imagine boiled water and then throw some lawn mower shredding...

Welcome to Uruguay

  if you couldn't tell from the title,,,,,,i made it to Uruguay.  About a week ago, my little town in South Carolina was snowed in and every store was closed. I was supposed to get a few covid tests but ended up only being able to get one because of the snow. We just kinda had to hope it came back in time, and somehow it did! I honestly did not think it would, so I was pretty much ready to stay in South Carolina for another transfer. but here we are hahah!!  Right after the results came back, I had to scoot to Columbia so I could get to the plane on time. kind of a roller coaster this past week hahh! After like 72 hours of flying, and way too much time in the Panama airport, we made it!! About a month ago, our mission only had abuot 45 missionaries, but now missionaries are arriving almost every 2 weeks, which means we have transfers every 2 weeks haha. My comp is Hermana Serre and she´s been here for about a month. We are opening up an area with the o...

Travel to Uruguay


Snow in South Carolina

This has been quite the adventurous week...On Friday I accidentally high centered our malibu. I was trying to turn around and this massive tree root came out of nowhere and just lodged itself in the middle of our car haha. Every time, I pressed the gas it just dug us deeper and deeper.  Right as I started dialing a member's phone number, this random guy literally just appeared out of the abyss. We were on a super abandoned, most-trailer-houses-were-condemned type of road. And this guy just walks right up. Without hesitation, his brother just pulls up in an SUV with a chain. They hooked us up, and within less than 10 minutes from when we got stuck, we were outta there.   They didn't really say much, it kinda seemed like they had done it before.  All week people have been talking about the looming storm. Everyone had a multitude of opinions surrounding whether or whether not it was going to happen. We were told we must go to Walmart and buy food jus...

Google Maps for the win

Woohooo!!! Tony was baptized yesterday!!!   H onestly one of the best days on my mission so far. His wife, Kayla was baptized about 3 months ago and after that we've been working with Tony pretty consistently. He honestly already felt part of the ward since he's been coming for so long haha.  The best part of the baptism was that his next door neighbor who introduced him to the church was able to baptize him. He's honestly a pretty shy guy and will hardly say prayers in front of people. He joined the church about 3 years ago himself and so this was his first time baptizing someone. It was the sweetest thing ever!!!  Miracle from this week was that some random lady decided to come to church haha. Her name is Felecia and she just moved into the area and typed in "holiness church" into Google maps and it brought her here. She was like "you guys are holiness right?" And I was like "yaaa we can be holiness haha"  She had a great time until it got to...